Thursday, September 20, 2007

Freshly Squeezed OJ

Oh, Orenthal, you didn't!

Am I the only one that's even remotely concerned about this man's behavior?

I'm not going to pretend that I have the slightest understanding of what life must be like for The Juice these days. But what I'm fairly certain of is this: If you're a well-known figure viewed by many in this country as "the man that escaped jail time for the brutal murder of two people," you probably don't want to participate in an armed invasion of a Vegas hotel room.

And you certainly don't want to rely on the famous "What happens here, stays here" slogan to protect you from any possible wrong doing.

Truth be told, I feel sort of sorry for the guy.
He's obviously not dealing with a full deck.

I mean, let's look at his logic. Quote:

"The police, since my trouble, have not worked out for me," he said, noting that whenever he has called the police, "it just becomes a story about O J".

Clearly the whole vigilante approach to retrieving what may or may not be his clearly proved a far better plan of attack (no pun intended).

And thank God, too. Because the last thing the world needs is another story about OJ. But I guess we'll just have to see how this one plays out.

Strap in, kiddies. It's going to be another long and bumpy ride.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I've had nervous breakdowns buying toothpaste

Seriously, I have.

Bottom line: there are too many choices.

Gone are the days of "running in for a tube of toothpaste."
When you hit the toothpaste aisle today, life - along with your shopping cart - comes to a screeching halt as your eyes glaze over at more toothpaste choices than you ever imagined possible.

Toothpastes now contain ingredients in dizzying combinations for tartar control, whitening and brightening, breath freshening, cavity protection, gum health, and sensitivity - all of which come in a slew of refreshing flavors found within an array of new and exciting packaging options.

It's hypnotic.
It's overwhelming.
It's paralyzing.

It's too much and it needs to stop. Now.