Monday, October 22, 2007

Is Radiohead making it easier to buy music, or harder?

For those who don't know, Radiohead decided to take the record label out of the mix with their latest CD release.
That's right, they opted to sell digitial dowloads online via a website that they created themselves.

And that's not even the interesting part.
Even more bizarre, they asked fans visting the site to pay only what wanted to for it.

Music you can put a price on.
Now there's a new concept.

At first, I thought this was the coolest thing ever.
That is, however, until I visited the website.

The copy was mesmerizing.
The words taunted me to only pay what I wanted to pay.

And I paid nothing.

I didn't know how to respond.
Like most everyone else, I'm used to having these decisions made for me.
I'm in no position to decide what their music is worth.

Pay too little, I'm an underappreciative ass.
Too much, nothing more than a fool.

The problem: without knowing what everyone else was doing, I didn't know what "too little" or "too much" even was. I was paralyzed from even making the purchase.

Damn you, Radiohead!!!
I'm lost without the labels.

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