Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Elvis Doesn't Let a Little Thing Like Death Keep Him From Making a Killing

It's official: while Elvis may no longer be with us, he's still a very rich man.

Forbest announced today that Presley claimed the #1 spot on the magazine's annual list of top-earning dead celebrities.

In the past 12 months, the king's estate generated an astounding $49 mill from music royalties, DVDs, licensing deals and tourism at Graceland.

Others worth noting: John Lennon, Charles Schultz, George Harrison, Albert Einsten, Andy Warhol, Dr. Seuss, Tupac Shakur, Marilyn Monroe, Steve McQueen, James Brown, Bob Marley, and James Dean.

A whopping total of $232 million for the year, when combined.

Not bad for a bunch of dead dudes.

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